
How does the pcb factory review customer information?

How does the pcb factory review customer information?


How to audit customer data in PCB factories is the most concerned issue of MI engineers, so how to audit customer data? The customers board-making data is divided into two parts, one is the customers Gerber data, and the other is the customers board-making instructions. There are Gerber drawings with CAM and RS274X in the compressed package, one is the Gerber data that can be opened directly by CAM350, and the other is the Gerber drawing with CAM and RS274X in the compressed package. It is a drawing that can be opened after importing into CAM350, and the word document is a board-making instruction.


The plate making instructions include the customer's product information and plate making requirements, such as the number of layers, plate materials, ink colors, surface treatment methods, laminated structure drawings, UL requirements, etc. The precautions in the plate making instructions are as follows:


1. Whether there are requirements for plates and whether the company has used such plates;


2. Whether there is a plate thickness requirement, and whether the plate thickness tolerance meets the company's technical capabilities;


3. Whether the surface treatment can meet; whether there are other requirements for the color of the ink covering film;


4. Whether it can meet the laminated stretch or laminated structure;


Regarding the Gerber data, this product is a 6-layer sheet in the sheet manufacturing instructions, so after decompressing the Gerber file, we first confirm whether the number of layers of the sheet is missing from the file name. Gerber data is the design drawing of the customer's product, including circuit, solder mask, solder layer, characters, shape, hole layer, layout drawing and hole map. The following figure. SS stands for character, SM stands for solder mask, circuit layer is TOP/BOTTOM, L2-L4, PM stands for solder layer, suffix. DRL stands for the drilled layer, and the number in front of DRL stands for which layer from the top layer to the second layer is drilled, such as B-1-2. DRL means the hole from the top layer to the first layer to the second layer.


After confirming that the number of layers is complete, we need to review the opened customer data. The key points of Gerber data are as follows:


1. Is the circuit layer complete;

2. Whether the minimum line width, line spacing, pad size, pad to pad, line to pad, hole to line, and hole to pad meet the process requirements in different networks;


3. Cover the circuit layer on the solder mask, and then cover the solder mask on the solder mask to confirm whether the window of the solder mask is missing;


4. When it is found that the distance between PAD and PAD is insufficient and the solder mask needs to be retained, the customer needs to ask for confirmation;


5. The distance between the contour nearest line, copper skin, and PAD does not meet the company's process requirements. First of all, it can be recommended to cut PAD and copper or move the line. Second, let customers accept bare copper;


6. Confirm whether the hole is on the window PAD. If so, let the customer confirm whether the design is normal. Customers need to know that there will be leakage or insufficient solder during the patch, or plug the hole with ink or resin, and then electroplating the surface to make it invisible;


7. If the distance between the line and the PAD is not enough, the line cannot be moved, confirm whether to accept the missing line or the PAD on the ink;


8. Whether the MARK point has a window, if all VIA holes are open, whether it is necessary to cancel this window; whether the NPTH hole is windowed;


9. Whether the BGA design is reasonable; the impedance design can be satisfied; whether the coil position design meets the requirements.

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